My name is Ann-Louise and I am the woman behind the keyboard for Little Miss Teach IT. I work as a teacher, mostly at vocational programs, and teach English and Swedish in upper secondary high school. I have worked as a teacher since 2007 and have been interested in technology since long before the time I graduated.
What Is the Purpose of This Site?
The idea of the site came to me during the spring semester of 2020 when remote teaching became a part of my everyday life due to Covid-19. I had previous experience at my school helping colleagues with different tutorials (written or videos) and stepped up to do this again during this semester. While doing this, teaching and taking care of my two boys, the idea to do something helpful to a broader audience came to me.
Being a language teacher, the thought of starting a blog to help other teachers and, to some extent, students was something that stuck with me until I decided to take action and try to actually launch a site with this purpose in mind. The idea is this site: Little Miss Teach IT and the goal is to try and help teachers using analog and digital tools together to give themselves and their students the best of both worlds.
The goal is to publish new content bi-weekly, except for when work demands too much of my time (hello fellow teachers ????). Welcome to my little corner of the web ???? As for categories, I’ll try to focus on IT-related things to help you out – but I haven’t fully decided yet on exactly what different parts to cover. This remains to be seen, but I’d love to hear some input on what you wish to know more about.
If you wish to learn more about me, take a look at my about page.