For Teachers

Cover image showing the text for teachers and a laptop in the bottom right corner, set on a purple background
A picture of a pen with the text "Love To Learn", something relevant to teachers.

This page is for all teachers out there. Being a teacher means you’ve chosen a complicated profession where you sometimes need to wear many different hats over the course of a day or week.

My goal is to help you and in this section, I’ll link to posts useful to teachers. Some things I’ll include here are:

Being a teacher doesn’t mean you need to be an expert on everything – but it does help to learn a new thing here and there.

Latest Post For Teachers

Why Tracking Habits Is Good for You

Do you know what a habit tracker is? Simply put: it is a way to see things that you do on...

Why Taking Some Time off Benefits Both You and Your Students

Have caught yourself thinking ”I don’t have time to relax and do something else, I have so much work to do”?...

What the Heck Is a Password Manager?

Have you ever thought of stupid places where people store passwords in 2021? Why is it not a good idea to...
Picture showing a computer with a lock and key and the text top secret

What Projects Are Just for You?

In a world that cherishes productivity, efficiency, and progression, do you have any projects that are just for you? Do you...
Photo showing the text what projects are just for you at the top left. A woman with her hair flowing free in the wind at sunset is shown.

To Celebrate or Not Celebrate, That Is the Question

It’s starting to get late, and as I write this on August 6th I’m officially two days away from my 38th...

Time Batching for Teachers

We all have the same amount of time in a day, but sometimes it seems like the way we use it...
Two hands holding a red alarm clock

The Blog Post I Shouldn’t Even Be Writing

Procrastination…I shouldn’t even be writing this blog post. No really, I should work on publishing a different one right now –...

The Big 40 – Now What?

Two months ago, it was my birthday. This time it was the big 40, the end of a decade, and officially...
Image showing lit birthday candles spelling happy birthday. In the top right corner there is a text box with the text the big 40 now what.

Ten Things I Learned as a Teacher in 2020

The new year is upon us – how has your 2021 been this far? I hope for 2021 full of hope...

Teachers, How to Get Ready for 2023

It’s the last week of December, are you all set for 2023 yet? If not teachers, here are 5 things to...
The text 2023 and teachers, how to get ready for 2023 is shown against a festive white and gold background with stars.

Teachers Master Your Inbox and Focus!

Every day, you get bombarded with information. To say that we live in a state of information overload is an understatement...
Woman holding a laptop. Images to the right of things a laptop can be used for. The text teachers master your inbox and focus can be seen in the bottom-right corner.

Reflections for 2022 – Teacher Edition

So it’s New Year’s Eve and today is a day for goal setting and welllists of various kinds. I decided to...
Different Christmas ornaments are shown on a white background. The text reflections for 2022 teacher edition is written in black text in the bottom left corner.

Putting Things Off: Why Do We Procrastinate?

Have you ever put something off, even when you know you should be doing it? Maybe you had your reasons, or...
Image showing a woman in black long-sleeve shirt using macbook looking bored

Microsoft Lens – a Quick Tutorial

Have you ever felt the need to make a quick copy of your classroom whiteboard? What about the times when you...

Marketing, Teaching, and the Power of Asking for Help

One of the most difficult things a person can do is asking for help. It should be a simple thing, but...

Lesson Plans in Onenote – How to Get Started

Have you ever started planning a lesson or theme and ended up having notes, hyperlinks, and material scattered everywhere? Then it’s...
Person planning using pen and paper

Is Tracking Habits Always a Good Thing?

Knowing your own habits is a good start if you find yourself wishing to improve in certain areas of your life...
An example of a circular monthly Habit tracker in a Rhodia notebook

Insight Timer – App Review

Sometimes life gets more hectic than usual. And sometimes, you need a little help to slow down and really take care...
Image showing a lit candle. You can see the text Insight Timer an App Review in the top right corner, and the iOS icon of the app in the bottom right corner.

Immersive Reader for Windows 10 and iOS

If you’ve used Immersive Reader in Edge, then you know by now how useful this tool can be. But what about...
Image showing stacks of books, on book is opened and flipping pages.

I Think My Child Has ADHD

I think my child has ADHD – now what? Being a parent and also being a teacher gives certain insights. I...
Image showing different facial expressions of Lego characters

How to Use Page Templates in OneNote

Have you ever missed not having to start a OneNote page or section from a blank page or wished that you...

How to Use Onenote as a Teacher in 2020

How many times have you made a great lesson or planned out a good theme, only to have it lost somewhere...

How to Use Onenote

What is OneNote? If you haven’t heard of this program before then it is about time! This is a hidden gem in...

How to Use Dictation in Microsoft Word to Write Your Blog Posts

Have you ever wondered if there is a quicker way to get your thoughts down on a page than just by...

How to Use AI in Notion

There is no doubt that AI is on the rise, at least in the eyes of the common people. AI has...
Image showing a 3D rendered Notion icon on a gray background. The text How to Use AI in Notion is displayed in the top left corner on a purple background. An illustration of a blue lightbulb is shown in the bottom right corner.

How to Use a Digital Planner as a Teacher

Planning is an important part of what we do as teachers. There are plenty of ways to organize your work and...
Image showing a desk with an open laptop. On the desk you can also see a glass filled with coffee, a cellphone and a vase with a flower.

How to Get Started With Screencast-O-Matic

Today we look at how to get started using Screencast-o-Matic, what it is and how you can use this as part...
Image showing a black Mac screen with white text on it.

How to Bullet Journal as a Teacher

Do you struggle with trying to keep track of all the things you need to get done in a day? Have...
Image showing two open journals on a desk

How To Avoid Burnout When Using Remote Learning?

Last semester I had to start using remote learning. I work as a language teacher in upper secondary high school. I...

Free From the Classroom – Now What?

After working as a teacher for 16 years, the time has come to hang up my backpack. Both in a literal...
A teal door slightly opened

Focused Reading With Browser Extensions

Have you ever started reading a text or article and then found yourself doing something completely different? Today we’ll look at...

Does Knowing a Personality Type Help in the Classroom?

You’ve probably heard about extroverts and introverts before, what are the typical traits for each type, and what about ambiverts? Does...
Image showing a person reading in an empty auditorium

Digital or Analog? How to Find Your Own Best Lesson Planning Practice

I have a confession to make: I’m a stationery addict. There, I said it. And yes, there is such a thing...

ChatGPT – Are We All Doomed?

ChatGPT was recently released, are we all doomed? ChatGPT is all the rage on different social platforms, forums, and all over...
The image shows a closeup of the face of an android. The text Chat GPT are we all doomed is seen in the top left corner.

Calendar Blocking in Outlook and How This Can Help You Stay Sane

One thing I stumbled upon a few months ago is calendar blocking and while most examples I found were using Google...

Bullet Journaling – Is Analog or Digital Better?

Is analog or digital better when it comes to bullet journaling? Do you find yourself switching between using a digital tool...
Image showing a notebook and a tablet. In between them, you can see the text vs and a lightning-bolt.

Analog Planning, Time to Go Back?

After using a digital planning system for the last 2,5 years, I’ve started to wonder. Is it time to go back...
Image showing an iPad and a Notebook. The text analog planning is it time to go back is shown in the top left corner.

An Honest Review of Scribbles That Matter

I recently decided to switch back to analog planning after using a digital planner for the last 2,5 years. I had...
Image showing two photos of a notebook on top of a teal background. The text an honest review of Scribbles That Matter is shown in the bottom-left corner.

5 Useful Add-ons to Improve Your Browser as a Teacher

Raise your hand if you like using add-ons in your browser ????????‍♀️ I know I do and they can be an...

5 Things I Wish I Knew as a Brand New Teacher

If you had a time machine and could go back to meet a younger version of your professional self – what...