Procrastination…I shouldn’t even be writing this blog post. No really, I should work on publishing a different one right now – but I don’t! And the simple reason is this: procrastination.
The post that was planned, was aimed at something that is very soon to be a part of my everyday life again: lesson planning. Will I get to that post? Absolutely, but as I started to think about it and even draw up some bullet points for it, something struck me. I used a lot of my time to avoid doing this, at all! I spent time reading blog posts about blogging and watching YouTube videos about different topics, but I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to do.
Procrastination Is Not Your Friend!
That’s when it struck me – I was procrastinating instead. Suddenly I realized that it’s August already and I essentially have four, perhaps five more days before I’m expected to go back to work.

Don’t get me wrong, I like what I do. But this year has been…well weird. Information as far as how the beginning of this semester was supposed to start has been non-existent. Trying to force my brain ???? back into work mode? Nope, simply wasn’t working out at all today…
Why Share This With Others?
So why do I choose to put this out there? I’m sure I’m not the only teacher being stuck between excitement and dread for a new semester. A semester full of promises and what this actually means in times of work. Am I the only one wondering where the summer holiday ???? went? No one?
Soon it’s time to go back to school and hustle for a semester. But for now, it’s ok to stay inside and continue to read a book, blog post, play games, or continue watching Netflix. If you’re stuck in procrastination a bit more, it’s ok for now! For some reason, I find this easier if someone gives me a pass so here is yours! If you feel like really using the last bit of free time, before your lunch and bathroom breaks once more will be slotted into a schedule – take time doing what you feel like doing today.
Next week will come, and hopefully, my brain decides to co-operate a bit more once I’m back in a familiar setting (sort of) and back with colleagues – at an acceptable level of social distancing of course ????
What do you look forward to most this upcoming semester? Is there something you fear since this year is different from others? Let me know in the poll below ????