Putting Things Off: Why Do We Procrastinate?

Have you ever put something off, even when you know you should be doing it? Maybe you had your reasons, or you were procrastinating. But why do we procrastinate in the first place? Reason 1: It’s Too Hard! This reason is not only something that happens to students, it can happen to anyone. The more… Continue reading Putting Things Off: Why Do We Procrastinate?

The Blog Post I Shouldn’t Even Be Writing

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Procrastination…I shouldn’t even be writing this blog post. No really, I should work on publishing a different one right now – but I don’t! And the simple reason is this: procrastination. The post that was planned, was aimed at something that is very soon to be a part of my everyday life again: lesson planning.… Continue reading The Blog Post I Shouldn’t Even Be Writing