Putting Things Off: Why Do We Procrastinate?

Have you ever put something off, even when you know you should be doing it? Maybe you had your reasons, or you were procrastinating. But why do we procrastinate in the first place? Reason 1: It’s Too Hard! This reason is not only something that happens to students, it can happen to anyone. The more… Continue reading Putting Things Off: Why Do We Procrastinate?

Teachers Master Your Inbox and Focus!

Every day, you get bombarded with information. To say that we live in a state of information overload is an understatement. Perhaps you manage your physical workspace well, but what about your digital space? Have you considered how digital clutter, or the equivalent of a full inbox of papers (your e-mail inbox) affects your focus… Continue reading Teachers Master Your Inbox and Focus!

Bullet Journaling – Is Analog or Digital Better?

Is analog or digital better when it comes to bullet journaling? Do you find yourself switching between using a digital tool for planning your life, and going back to regular pen and paper? You’re not alone! Here’s why it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but more about what fits you best, right now. Ryder Carroll,… Continue reading Bullet Journaling – Is Analog or Digital Better?

Is Tracking Habits Always a Good Thing?

An example of a circular monthly Habit tracker that I used in a Rhodia notebook in August 2019

Knowing your own habits is a good start if you find yourself wishing to improve in certain areas of your life. Habit tracking can be one way of doing this and can be done in different ways, but is habit tracking always a good thing? What Is Habit Tracking and Why Should You Do It?… Continue reading Is Tracking Habits Always a Good Thing?

How To Avoid Burnout When Using Remote Learning?

Last semester I had to start using remote learning. I work as a language teacher in upper secondary high school. I thought some parts were easier for me than for my colleagues teaching vocational subjects. However, there were other things that I didn’t know. One thing was how we were affected by the change in… Continue reading How To Avoid Burnout When Using Remote Learning?