Teachers Master Your Inbox and Focus!

Every day, you get bombarded with information. To say that we live in a state of information overload is an understatement. Perhaps you manage your physical workspace well, but what about your digital space? Have you considered how digital clutter, or the equivalent of a full inbox of papers (your e-mail inbox) affects your focus… Continue reading Teachers Master Your Inbox and Focus!

Focused Reading With Browser Extensions

Have you ever started reading a text or article and then found yourself doing something completely different? Today we’ll look at how to get better and more focused reading for you and your students! The Internet can be a wonderful thing, but there is one problem even for experienced readers: distractions! Even as an experienced… Continue reading Focused Reading With Browser Extensions

Calendar Blocking in Outlook and How This Can Help You Stay Sane

Photo by picjumbo.com on Pexels.com

One thing I stumbled upon a few months ago is calendar blocking and while most examples I found were using Google Calendar, I choose to do calendar blocking in Outlook. Who doesn’t love to be organized and feel on top of things? I know I do, but does this mean I am always where I’m… Continue reading Calendar Blocking in Outlook and How This Can Help You Stay Sane