Why Should I Schedule My Emails?

In a previous post, we looked at how you can create automatic replies in Outlook and Gmail. In this post, we’ll cover a similar topic: why should you schedule sending emails? Why Bother Scheduling Emails? Believe it or not, this is not mostly for your convenience. This is more for your coworkers or to make… Continue reading Why Should I Schedule My Emails?

21 Apps on My iPhone for Better Health

Look at the apps on my phone, and you’ll know me. Okay, perhaps not the entire truth, but the apps you have on your phone can tell something about you. In this post, I’ll share some of the apps on my phone that focus on better health, fitness, and well-being. Apps For Physical Fitness The… Continue reading 21 Apps on My iPhone for Better Health

Putting Things Off: Why Do We Procrastinate?

Have you ever put something off, even when you know you should be doing it? Maybe you had your reasons, or you were procrastinating. But why do we procrastinate in the first place? Reason 1: It’s Too Hard! This reason is not only something that happens to students, it can happen to anyone. The more… Continue reading Putting Things Off: Why Do We Procrastinate?