Digital or Analog? How to Find Your Own Best Lesson Planning Practice

I have a confession to make: I’m a stationery addict. There, I said it. And yes, there is such a thing as having favorite pens or feeling that a pen simply isn’t the right one for a specific day. Even so, I also have warm feelings for all things digital and more often than not… Continue reading Digital or Analog? How to Find Your Own Best Lesson Planning Practice

The Blog Post I Shouldn’t Even Be Writing

Photo by Anna Shvets on

Procrastination…I shouldn’t even be writing this blog post. No really, I should work on publishing a different one right now – but I don’t! And the simple reason is this: procrastination. The post that was planned, was aimed at something that is very soon to be a part of my everyday life again: lesson planning.… Continue reading The Blog Post I Shouldn’t Even Be Writing

Calendar Blocking in Outlook and How This Can Help You Stay Sane

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One thing I stumbled upon a few months ago is calendar blocking and while most examples I found were using Google Calendar, I choose to do calendar blocking in Outlook. Who doesn’t love to be organized and feel on top of things? I know I do, but does this mean I am always where I’m… Continue reading Calendar Blocking in Outlook and How This Can Help You Stay Sane

Why Taking Some Time off Benefits Both You and Your Students

Have caught yourself thinking ”I don’t have time to relax and do something else, I have so much work to do”? I know I have, numerous times. When you feel this busy is exactly when you would benefit most from taking a step back and recharge. We live in a world of information. Taking time… Continue reading Why Taking Some Time off Benefits Both You and Your Students